“Explore the Roots to Understand the Fruits”

Believe it or not, I heard this phrase in a dream a few nights ago. Then that morning the meditation on my Mindful Mamas app was called “The Fruitful Exile.” I don’t believe in coincidences and I had just read a chapter in “The Seat of the Soul” that was talking about receiving wisdom and guidance from our intuition, in whatever form they may take (including dreams), so I decided to dig a little deeper (see what I did there lol.). Digging deeper these days oftens looks like some time journaling & drawing so I wanted to share it with y’all here (the image is the one I used for this post) (fun fact: this exploration ended up leading to the birth of the Grounded in Madrehood Online Community!)

“Last night I heard in my dream I heard “explore the roots to understand the fruits” and this morning’s meditation talked about the fruitful exile (aka seasons where we feel exiled and also end up producing what we need). Essentially, in this season of postpartum there are times when we may feel misunderstood, unsupported, unseen, unappreciated and isolated. This season is vulnerable, new, discombobulate-y, and so unique that sometimes even we if we have a loving, supportive partner, they still may not get it —> they are having a different experience. I can see why postpartum depression, rage, anxiety and more can get difficult to manage. We need to be seen! As I reflect on the meaning of my dream and the meditation, I do feel that new moms need more community, encouragement, validation and support. We need to be held, supported, nurtured. The old fruits of isolation, resentment, anger, loneliness, are fed by roots of disconnectedness, being unseen & unheard. So…to bear new fruits of presence, contentment, & confidence, we need to feed our roots with community that sees us. That is what Grounded in Madrehood is! A safe place for new moms to come together and encourage each other in this season. Because of my own identities, I do feel like the following may also specifically benefit from this type of community: high-achievers, first-gen, helping professionals, introverts, the “responsible” children turned adults, the eldest daughters, the children of immigrants, aka if you’ve always just “figured it out on your own” and this may or may not have led to a little perfectionism and anxiety, this place is for you (‘cuz same lol). Our inner niñas may not be used to asking for and receiving help or support, but WE NEED & DESERVE IT! As I approach 1 year postpartum next month (WILDNESS) I am realizing that the “fruit” that I want to produce in this season is fed by community- a safe space for new mommas to receive what they need, whether its encouragement, validation, support, advice or something! If you can relate, I welcome you to join here! The community inlcudes monthly calls, book club, events, challenges and more, all focused on our mental health. (ps the first 10 members are free using the code FIRST10 and the first 20 members get the founders price of $5/month. Check it out here: https://nas.io/groundedinmadrehood)

So as you reflect on your seasons of postpartum and new motherhood, I want to encourage you with these 3 questions (aka get to digging lol):

  1. What “fruits” (feelings) are you experiencing in your new motherhood?

  2. What’s at the root?

  3. What would your roots need to bear “fruits” that you prefer?

ps you can check out the related youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Fnu8FdGGw

Much love, JLee “Millennialtheramom


Benefits of Meditation in New Parenthood & Madrehood Meditations


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