Connect with JLee,
For Education & Support As You Ground In New Parenthood
Hi & Hola! I’m Johanna Lee, a first-gen bilingüe Chicana therapist, new mom & mental health educator. My intention for “Connect with JLee” is to encourage & equip new parents with information & skills that support their mental health & help them be well in the roller coaster of new parenthood. Check out the support services & sign up for my email list to stay posted on new events & more! Learn more here.
What does it mean to be a grounded parent?
A grounded parent is present in the moment and rooted in their values & intentions. It takes WORK to be grounded, because life can quickly uproot us with busy-ness, constant to-do lists, anxiety, stress, unrealistically high expectations, trauma triggers & more (on top of the already uprooting & vulnerable transition of becoming a parent- iykyk!). If you want to be a more grounded parent, I invite you to the process of slowing down and taking some time to care for your mental health. We cannot be present parents if we are not tending to our own well-being first. As the common saying goes, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Similarly, if you want to give out presence, you must first give this to yourself and this may look like mindfulness, journaling, deep breathing, self-reflection & more. Remember that you and your needs matter! If you would like more support in this process, check out my services, including 1:1 therapy, community for moms, events, youtube/podcast and blog. If you need additional information or would like to work together, fill out the Let’s Connect form here. No one should struggle silently so please share with anyone that you think could benefit from additional education, support and encouragement in this transition to new parenthood. Best, JLee “MillennialTheraMom”
Read more on this topic here & make sure to sign up for my email list to stay posted on future resources & events to ground in new parenthood.